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Brat Summer Is Officially Over, According to Charli XCX

It's now Sweat Autumn

Photo: Harley Weir 

BY Alex HudsonPublished Sep 3, 2024

Officially, the last day of summer is September 22 — but it always starts to feel like fall after Labour Day, once the kids go back to school. With that in mind, Charli XCX has declared Brat Summer officially over.

She wrote on social media, "goodbye forever brat summer." On Instagram this statement was accompanied by a gallery of videos of highlights from people's Brat Summers.

Of course, lots of people had already declared Brat Summer over when it got too mainstream — particularly after Kamala Harris's presidential campaign borrowed the BRAT branding and political pundits started weighing in. This past weekend, even NATO got in on the memes.

Brat Summer now gives way to Sweat Autumn, as Charli XCX hits the road in North America for a tour with Troye Sivan.

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