Bob Dylan's Son Jakob Is Also Confused About His Dad's Twitter

"Like most people, I can’t tell you what’s going on with those," said the frontman of the Wallflowers

Photo: Yasmin Than

BY Alex HudsonPublished Nov 5, 2024

Bob Dylan has arrived on Twitter/X about 15 years late, posting strange non-sequiturs that are apparently actually written by him. Now, his son Jakob Dylan — of Wallflowers fame — has weighed in on the tweets, and he's confused too.

Speaking with The Boston Globe, Jakob joked about his dad's strange social media presence. "Like most people, I can't tell you what's going on with those. I've seen those," he said, acknowledging that his dad is more active on Twitter than he is. "I can't tell you what that's about. I'm not sure. But you're right: whatever it is, it's more than I do."

Dylan's tweets have become a subject of fascination in the past month or so. John Mulaney parodied the tweets in the promo video for last week's Saturday Night Live.

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