Black Belt Eagle Scout Cancels Shows, Launches GoFund Me for Medical Issues

The singer-songwriter shares she is "having a hard time with my energy, mobility and other nerve symptoms"

Photo: Nate Lemuel of Darlisted Photography

BY Calum SlingerlandPublished Jul 23, 2024

Black Belt Eagle Scout singer-songwriter Katherine "KP" Paul has announced the cancellation of future live performances due to health issues.

Writing on Instagram, Paul shares how, earlier this year, she began experiencing "weird symptoms" she thought were due to pinched nerves in the neck and spine.

"After many doctors visits and medical tests, and having to advocate so hard for myself within the medical system, via MRIs, I've finally been able to get some answers. I am now working with a top neurologist in Seattle who suspects I have relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS)," Paul writes. "I am still undergoing more testing and have been having a hard time with my energy, mobility and other nerve symptoms."

With touring out of the question, a GoFundMe campaign has been established in support of Paul and her husband Camas Logue. Paul writes that the fundraiser will "help cover our living, medical and other expenses for a while, as we work with my neurologist on a care plan for healing and recovery.

"We are kindly asking our community for some support as the future is unknown and we are still in the early stages of diagnosis and treatment plans. We will make sure to keep you updated as we move forward."

Revisit Exclaim!'s review of The Land, the Water, the Sky — Paul's third album as Black Belt Eagle Scout — which arrived last February via Saddle Creek Records.

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