Alice Glass Fires Back at Ethan Kath's Crystal Castles Defamation Lawsuit

Glass claims she will swear under oath that Kath raped her and that at least two other women have filed complaints against him

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Dec 27, 2017

While Alice Glass accused her former Crystal Castles bandmate Ethan Kath of various forms of physical, mental and sexual abuse this fall, Kath responded by denying all claims and then filing a defamation lawsuit against Glass. Now, Glass has fired back by filing a declaration, in which she has claimed she will swear under oath that Kath raped her.

As TMZ reports, Glass has responded to the defamation lawsuit by filing an official court declaration, in which stands by the abuse claims against Kath she made publicly in October.

In the court documents obtained by TMZ, Glass doubled down on her claims that Kath (real name Claudio Palmieri) first raped her when she was about 15 and continued to sexually assault her, as well as abuse her emotionally and mentally, throughout the 2000s and early 2010s.

Furthermore, after Glass first went public with her abuse accusations, she claims in her documents that she learned Kath had allegedly harmed and abused other women as well — something Toronto police are now investigating.

According to Glass, she filed an official criminal complaint against Kath in November. She added that after she first came forward in October, two other women had filed criminal complaints against him as well, according to a detective now investigating Kath.

So far, Kath and his lawyers have denied all claims against the musician.

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