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Admiral Crumple


BY Thomas QuinlanPublished Feb 19, 2007

While Admiral Crumple doesn’t deserve a lot of the hate directed towards him on the internet, he is certainly a product of modern technology. As little as ten years ago, Crumple would never have been able to release an album like Sorceraw, or the five albums before that, on the scale of which he is currently capable. But these days, fans worldwide can experience the growth of an artist from beginner to professional without missing a beat thanks to the World Wide Web. The artwork for Sorceraw is a huge step above his past releases and his flow continues to improve, but the cheap mic makes his "p’s” pop and the enhanced videos are of the YouTube variety. Still, his talent is evident as is his drive to improve and perhaps succeed. Crumple is competent rapping about the underbelly of society tinged with concepts culled from the sci-fi and horror genres, and he could do with some improvement for creating catchier choruses. However, it’s the self-produced beats that will most likely sell the Admiral Crumple name; Sorceraw displays dark, grimy production in the vein of Necro or early Cage. It’s just too bad his popping p’s will make Sorceraw a difficult listen for many since a great guest appearance by Brooklyn Academy rapper Pumpkinhead could get this album wider rotation — a feat that will remain unlikely until Crumple takes his music seriously as a professional.

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