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An Inconvenient Truth

Davis Guggenheim

BY Mike SauvePublished Jun 1, 2006

Al Gore, formerly know as Al Bore, or the next President of the United States, isn’t a bore at all, nor is he acting very Presidential (at least not by the current standard.) That’s because he’s taking on the issue of global warming with a contempt for the status quo usually associated with the likes of Al Franken or Michael Moore.

Unlike these wannabe world-savers, Gore’s words carry significant weight. The majority of the movie is simply Gore standing in front of a slide presentation delivering one alarming fact after another about climate change with a surprising amount of warmth and wit.

Pulp Fiction producer Lawrence Bender caught Gore’s impassioned plea one night and realised his articulate explanation of the problem deserved a bigger stage. Participant Productions (Good Night and Good Luck, Syriana) got on board and this slick 90-minute film was made.

The few scenes not spent in front of the digital blackboard offer a personal look at Gore’s mission. Moments like the death of his sister from lung cancer and the near death of his son reveal the statuesque Gore’s deepest motivations. Despite all the science-speak, Gore translates effectively for the layperson, banging you over the head with the magnitude of the situation.

By the end of the film you should have a deeper understanding of climate change, and the producers hope that will motivate some towards fixing the problem. This is truly an inspirational piece of activist filmmaking. (Paramount Classics)
(Paramount Pictures)

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