Steve Martin Gets the COVID-19 Vaccine, Reports "No Fide Resects"

BY Allie GregoryPublished Jan 18, 2021

Steve Martin got his coronavirus vaccine in New York yesterday (January 17) and detailed his experience, saying the process was "smooth as silk" in a Twitter thread.

"Good news/Bad news. Good news: I just got vaccinated! Bad news: I got it because I'm 75. Ha!" Martin wrote.

He added: "Thank you all, and thank you science."

The comedian explained that he signed up online for the shot and waited in person at New York City's Javits Center, which has been converted into a mass vaccination site. "The operation in NYC was smooth as silk," he said, "and hosted to perfection by the US Army and National Guard."

Jokingly, he also shared that he's feeling "no fide resects" as of yet.

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