Cover Story
Roots Manuva
Reluctant Hero
PUBLISHED Apr 1, 2005
"I can't bloody think straight in here. Everybody's talking shit!" Rodney Hylton Smith, aka Roots Manuva, sounds like he's about to lose it...
In Sickness and In Health
PUBLISHED Mar 1, 2005
You've heard it before. Hell, you've probably even read it in this very magazine: being in a band is akin to a marriage albeit of the pol...
The Integrity of Converge
Boston's Best Take The Lead In A Year of Aggression
PUBLISHED Dec 1, 2004
Jacob Bannon has "a million things to do today," but since he's a man who thoroughly enjoys his work, this is far from a complaint. And rea...
Junior Boys
Let's All Make Believe
PUBLISHED Oct 1, 2004
Jeremy Greenspan lives on Tin Pan Alley, if only in spirit. Even when he's relaxing in the lobby of a Montreal hotel, the most senior of th...
The Arcade Fire
Talk About the Passion
PUBLISHED Sep 1, 2004
By the time you read this, what will likely be the most surprising phase of the Arcade Fire's career will be over. And they know it.Up unti...
Hidden Cameras
Canada's New Pop Nation
PUBLISHED Aug 1, 2004
December 14, 2001. The season's first snowfall is blanketing Toronto, bringing with it the melancholy that usually accompanies the holiday...
The Organ
Glummer Girls
PUBLISHED Jun 1, 2004
Last time I saw the Organ play, I was among the few hundred Montrealers who'd converged for the BC band's first crack at Quebec. Androgynou...
And Change
PUBLISHED May 1, 2004
The first time I visit Sixtoo's Montreal apartment it isn't the nicest of days. The sun is battling the clouds for weather supremacy, and t...