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Cali Agents

How The West Was One

BY Del F. CowiePublished Aug 2, 2000

Not to be mistaken with any remnants of the pointless bi-coastal tension of a few years back, the Cali Agents instead represents the union of underground soldiers Planet Asia and Rasco, currently two of the fiercest MCs from any geographical region. With ruggedly melodic beats supplied by the unheralded likes of His-Panik, from Chicago's Molemen, Paul Nice and Protest, the duo's considerable chemistry pushes notables like "The Good Life," with its addictive key tinkles, and the cautionary "Neva Forget" to undeniably dope levels. But while How The West Was One is fundamentally solid and consistent, this strength can also be its weakness. Planet Asia's ill flow and lyrical content plays a willing and able sharp-shooting henchman to Rasco's unmistakably sage baritone, but the focus on slinging hard-hitting verbals means that the sum is ultimately less than its parts, preventing this fundamentally sound collaboration from being great.
(Ground Control)

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