Articles by Chris Gramlich
It's Getting Tougher to Say the Right Things
PUBLISHED Aug 2, 2000
Some may be familiar with the Unbroken moniker via their infamous Life, Love, Regret album. Deceased for almost five years now, Unbroken's...
Discordance Axis
The Inalienable Dreamless
PUBLISHED Jul 1, 2000
Discordance Axis's The Inalienable Dreamless is by far the best grindcore album of the past several years. Considering the limited availabi...
PUBLISHED Jul 1, 2000
Like many of the elite in extreme music, Keelhaul make their mark not by excelling at one particular aspect of a single genre, but by combi...
Channel Static Blackout
PUBLISHED Jul 1, 2000
Cross pollination between metal and hardcore continues to create some excellent music in both genres. Krakatoa is a side-project band featu...
National Acrobat
The National Acrobat For All Practical Purposes, Is Dead
PUBLISHED Jul 1, 2000
Hailing from Louisville, KY the National Acrobat are one of those truly rare bands that are at once both gloriously confusing and downright...
Camera Obscura
To Change The Shape of an Envelope
PUBLISHED Jun 1, 2000
Camera Obscura's debut CD is like a perfect blend of keyboard-oriented rock, punk aggression, droning riffs and dreamy atmospherics. To Cha...
Sperm Whale
PUBLISHED May 1, 2000
While Joe Preston may have cemented his place in the musical spectrum as one of the pioneers of heavy, extreme and slow (for godsakes he wa...
Hordes To Abolish The Divine
PUBLISHED May 1, 2000
The oft-overused analogy of a musical act being the equivalent of a truck, train, or some other heavy piece of machinery and running over t...