
Channel Static Blackout

BY Chris GramlichPublished Jul 1, 2000

Cross pollination between metal and hardcore continues to create some excellent music in both genres. Krakatoa is a side-project band featuring Dave Walker (from the defunct Harvest) and Carl Skildum (from the defunct Threadbare) and eschews the current fixation hardcore bands have with slowed down thrash and focuses on being a pure progressive/power metal band, the likes of which normally display bullet-belts and long greasy hair. Harmonised guitars are omnipresent, as are the acoustic passages and vintage thrash riffs, although if there is an area where Channel Static Blackout is lacking it is in the distinct lack of double-kick drumming, a prerequisite in today's power/prog metal scene. Easily comparisons include In Flames, old Metallica and Iron Maiden, but the acidic, hardcore-inflected vocals of Walker and the emotional riffing help give Krakatoa an identity of their own. This album holds its own amongst the leaders of this genre.
(Second Nature)

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