

BY Laina DawesPublished Oct 26, 2009

What is it with metal bands from Quebec? There is this distinctly European/non-Canadian feeling that seeps out of the music of Voivod, Blackguard, Neuraxis and Kataklysm. On the other hand, I can't exactly describe a "Canadian" metal sound, per se (besides limp-penis indie-lite hipster rock performed by privileged white kids trying to be "edgy") but upon first listen to Demonarchy from Montreal's Warcall, I automatically assumed they were from some foreign country. Because they are good? Perhaps, but probably because the creativeness they've put into their debut far surpasses anything else I have heard from new Canadian bands this year. Skip the 53 second intro, "Demonarchy," and head right into "War Call ― the Landing," which quickly declares their style ― a mash-up of death metal, thrash, L.A. cock rock and a touch of Blackguard-influenced folk melody ― but amped up to about 85 miles an hour. Inventive, fun, crisp and a great first offering.

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