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Fac. Dance 02

BY Michael EdwardsPublished Sep 12, 2012

As time has passed, Factory Records has come to be defined by its successful acts, such as Joy Division, New Order and Happy Mondays. Yet during its 15-year lifespan, it was the home of many eclectic artists that have somehow fallen through the cracks of musical history. While the first volume in the Fac. Dance series suggested this, the second makes sure there's no doubt by ditching all the big names and focussing on rarities. There are the usual suspects from the second tier of Factory, like Section 25, A Certain Ratio and the ubiquitous the Durutti Column doing their usual thing, but it gets more interesting when the compilation delves into the NYC dance scene (via 52nd Street) or dub (via X-O-Dus), rather than the predictable post-punk stuff. Definite highlights come from Scottish band the Wake, who are currently enjoying a renaissance, thanks to über-cool label Captured Tracks, and Fadela, with their wonderful Algerian rhythms, which have been sampled several times since. There are some weaker moments, but Factory was always about peaks and valleys, and this compilation is a realistic cross-section of the heart of the label.

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