The aesthetic of Texans True Widow is an interesting one; it hints at all the crushing severity of the plodding post-rock from which it's undoubtedly derived, but evokes an atmosphere that's more self-assured, mature and less needy of constant aggression to get its point across. The trio's expansive sound begins at the roots with acoustic opening track "For Grace," creating an organic vibe that pervades the rest of the EP. The vocal melodies complete the experience ― repetitive, dreamlike and solemn, they act as a contrast to the all-encompassing instrumental envelope ― bringing the heavy but multidimensional aspects of Jesu and Dead Meadow to mind, the more organic aspect of the latter band especially. Even while keeping their formula simple, the band cover some alternative ground, especially on closer "S.F.H.D.," with the almost Cobain-like delivery of the vocals interacting well with the understated guitars, creating an earthy tone that serves the album well from start to finish.
(Kemado)True Widow
BY Mike SimpsonPublished Oct 4, 2011