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Toronto's Curtis Bowman's "Dog" Has New Tricks

More like Curtis BowWOWman'SBESTFRIEND

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Nov 20, 2024

There have been many songs written about man's best friend over the years, perhaps most notably wanting or not wanting to be one. Toronto's Curtis Bowman knows the old dog routine, and somehow manages to teach it some new tricks on his ambling latest single, which is aptly titled "Dog."

Having previously released music under Curt James, this latest entry into the canine canon marks Bowman's first release under his full name. The singer-songwriter has shared it alongside an Albert Pham-directed music video, shot (predominantly outside of a Metro and in a park) by Juliette Coleman.

Bowman embodies the titular pup in his finest costume, which one can only assume was purchased from a website targeting those looking to dip their toes into being furries. As the video portrays, the lightly melancholic — then, suddenly, deeply devastating — song revolves around the concept of a dog tied up outside of a grocery store while its human shops.

"It's been a while since you left me," Bowman croons atop pedal steel at the end of the refrain, before a swell of percussive horns emboldens his dog to consider making the great escape — until his human tragically drives away without him. Why am I crying? Check it out below.

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