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Tom Middleton


BY Marinko JarebPublished Oct 29, 2007

Tom Middleton’s (Global Communication, Jedi Knights, Evolution, Reload) first solo effort, Lifetracks, is basically a chill-out album. Each song is supposed to have been inspired by an inspirational journey, location or experience. While well produced and focused, there is a certain new age/yoga soundtrack vibe to much of the music, and perhaps that’s why it has already become one of the top sellers on iTunes’ electronic listings. The songs that stand out are the more straightforward and subtler compositions like "Shinkansen,” "Sea of Glass” and "Astral Projection.” However, I can imagine that a full cadre of live musicians dubbed-up by Middleton on the main stage at the Big Chill festival would bring this composition to life and convince festival goers with stars in their eyes that Tom is god.
(Six Degrees)

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