Tilly and the Wall are a Midwestern, co-ed pop rock band with ties to Bright Eyes and Rilo Kiley. Riding the current wave of indie rock "teenybopper music, Tilly and the Wall would fit impeccably onto a Lindsay Lohan movie soundtrack, even though they tour small clubs rather than arenas or collapsible mall stages. Bottoms of Barrels plays around with different genres, remaining consistently upbeat and not a little bit syrupy. "Brave Day, among others, uses a country beat beneath the usual boy/girl harmonies and shouts, and "Bad Education does the same with Mariachi drum rolls and synthesised trumpets. Though hard to take seriously, Tilly and the Wall are good training-wheel pop. They play out 60s routines with post-emo semi-earnestness, but they write catchy songs. When singer Kiannas vocals are at their emotional peak, they tend to come across like white suburban R&B but it could be, and has been, much worse. Tilly and the Wall arent exactly blazing their own path, but they have charm on their side.
(Rune Grammofon)Tilly and the Wall
Bottoms of Barrels
BY Alex MolotkowPublished Jul 1, 2006