
Vorex Deconstruccion

BY Denise FalzonPublished Jul 20, 2009

Chilean three-piece Thornafire have managed to capture the art of creating catchy death metal. The band don't go the now familiar route of endless blast beats and generic death vocals. Instead, they've decided to write music that includes twisted riffage but also a lot of groove and time signatures. Vorex Deconstruccion is the follow-up to dark Ibex Moon debut Exacerbated Gnostic Manifestation and includes the use of synthesizers on some of the tracks, creating an almost sinister atmosphere, at times, adding a modern touch to their classic death metal approach. Thornafire are students of the very traditional South American death metal style and are clearly influenced by the likes of Krisiun and early Sepultura, however, this band from Santiago, Chile add enough progressive elements to be considered original. Some of the most notable material on Vorex Deconstruccion includes "Sucubacion" and "Por El Delirio."
(Ibex Moon Records)

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