The Once

"I Can't Live Without You" (video)

BY Sarah MurphyPublished Apr 24, 2018

St. John's folk three-piece the Once release their latest LP Time Enough next month, but to help ease the wait, they've unveiled a video for album cut "I Can't Live Without You."
The clip stands as a "self-pep talk" and captures the trio of bandmates performing into the camera as though it's a mirror.
"For peeps who find themselves being an ass to the person in the mirror — stop it!" the band said in a statement. "Prepping to give all you got for people who potentially won't give a hoot about what you are doing. Do it anyway."
Watch the uplifting video for "I Can't Live Without You" below.
Time Enough is due out on May 11, marking the full-length follow-up to their 2014 LP Departures.

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