The Offspring's Pete Parada Has Left the Band over COVID-19 Vaccination Status

"Since I am unable to comply with what is increasingly becoming an industry mandate — it has recently been decided that I am unsafe to be around, in the studio and on tour."

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Aug 3, 2021

While many artists have recently taken a strong stance on vaccinations and whether or not they should be mandated in the live music sector, the Offspring's drummer, Pete Parada, is sharing another, more nuanced side of the story. Further, in a new statement, Parada shared plans for his departure from the band over his COVID-19 vaccination status.

In an Instagram post, Parada revealed that his doctors recommended against getting the vaccine due to his complex medical history.

"Given my personal medical history and the side-effect profile of these jabs, my doctor has advised me not to get a shot at this time," he wrote [via Loudwire]. "I caught the virus over a year ago, it was mild for me — so I am confident I'd be able to handle it again, but I'm not so certain I'd survive another post-vaccination round of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, which dates back to my childhood and has evolved to be progressively worse over my lifetime."

While vaccine side effects are common, reactions like Guillain-Barré are extremely rare. As we've learned, having had COVID-19 previously also doesn't make you immune to contracting it again and vaccination is proven to reduce the severity of future infection. However, many people are in a position similar to Parada, wherein getting the vaccine poses a serious medical risk. 

"There are countless folks (like me) for whom these shots carry a greater risk than the virus," Parada continued. "Most of us don't publicly share a private decision we made in careful consideration with our doctors. We know it's not an easy conversation to unfold."

Anti-vaxxers are rightfully stigmatized for their disregard for public health, but there are more reasons behind the decision to not get vaccination than ideology alone. These are the people we need to protect through herd immunity; these are the people we need to make medical exceptions for when it comes to vaccination mandates.

Parada went on to say:

Since I am unable to comply with what is increasingly becoming an industry mandate — it has recently been decided that I am unsafe to be around, in the studio and on tour. I mention this because you won't be seeing me at these upcoming shows. I also want to share my story so that anyone else experiencing the agony and isolation of getting left behind right now — knows they're not entirely alone. I have no negative feelings towards my band. They're doing what they believe is best for them, while I am doing the same. Wishing the entire Offspring family all the best as they get back at it!

Read the full post from Parada — who joined the Offspring in '07 — below.

A post shared by Pete Parada (@peteparada)

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