'Stranger Things' Fan Fave Eddie Munson Is Immortalized in Corn by Enormous Art Piece

A supremely corny tribute to the fallen wannabe rocker

BY Kaelen BellPublished Jul 14, 2022

Stop reading this if you're a spoiler-averse Stranger Things fan who still somehow hasn't seen the new season — everyone else carry on. 

If there's one thing Stranger Things loves to do, it's take a loveable (secondary) character — see Barb, Benny, Alexei, Bob, Chrissy, the list goes on — and kill them off, often in very very gross and spectacular fashion. 

The latest fan-favourite Hawkins resident to meet this fate is wannabe rocker and generally nice guy Eddie Munson, who dies heroically in fellow outcast Dustin's arms after sacrificing himself and distracting the baddies (by playing the guitar solo from Metallica's "Master of Puppets") in order to save the rest of the gang. 

Lots of people were very bummed about Eddie's death, and the fan tributes have been pouring in ever since the Season 4 finale. And one of those tributes includes an enormous (one-acre, in fact) piece of cornfield art, created by artist Stan Herd. 

Located "somewhere in Indiana," the huge, corny art piece features Eddie doing his now-trademark devil horns and tongue-out pose and reads "Eddie Munson 4 Ever." A (surprisingly long and kinda hilariously edited) video posted by the Netflix YouTube account reads "Eddie, this is for you." It's also, fittingly, soundtracked by "Master of Puppets." 

Metallica themselves are big fans of Eddie and the show, and say they were "blown away" by their song's inclusion. Tye Trujillo — that's Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo's son — even played the version of the "Master of Puppets" solo seen in the finale. 

Check out Stan Herd's cornfield art below. 

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