The pride of Chatham are back with a new disc chock full of tasty pop treats. Recorded at Noise NJ by Bongwater/Shockabilly legend Kramer and also at Umbrella Studios by Toronto's best kept secret, Joao Carvalho, this is the Margaret's strongest offering to date. Whereas their previous efforts have shone like dusty basement gems, perhaps farming out the recording duties have allowed greater emphasis on the songs, and their ability to rock like the seasoned band that they have become. In one breath they evoke early Pink Floyd or the Kinks, then suddenly you're exhaling XTC or perhaps Joy Division. Their closest stylistic dopplegangers remain Camper Van Beethoven, with their ability to fuse folkie instrumentals with sophisticated, psychedelic rock tunes coloured with summer light pop breezes. Hopefully the bandwagon will be creaking with this release, because for once this is a band that has earned everything they will receive!
(House of Bleen)Square Root of Margaret
Endless Rotation
BY Sara MontgomeryPublished Jun 1, 2001