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South London Ordnance


BY Pierre John FelcenlobenPublished Nov 25, 2015

Remaining anonymous in an artistic role can often be perceived as an attempt to attain production consistency, and there are likely few producers that would subscribe to this idea more than the enigmatic mastermind behind South London Ordnance. Tor, his latest and lengthiest work, appears to deliberately obfuscate personal connection with the atmosphere of rapidly bypassing industrial materiality.
Contact, previously his most notable release on Hotflush, dropped grubbier garage-hinting sounds that this turns away from. Tor provides a more precise, purposeful climate, where a blend of alarming sounds and frenetic drum skips almost render the undercurrent of airy atmospheric groans imperceptible.
Drizzled sparingly are lovely, worldly touches. "Pale Skin," full of character even without the vocals, has pulsing djembe rhythms, and drifting chimes that help cue transitions. The sharpening industrial angle increases further into the EP, fusing colourful hues to the clattering and clanging.
The record sputters at points — the beeping in "Bind" does become mildly tiresome, while the cosmic shift "Lockjaw" employs seems intent on wrestling back our attention. So while some straining shows, it's not enough to greatly depreciate the otherwise textured precision of Tor.
(Aery Metals)

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