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Ryan Adams and Mandy Moore Plot Studio Collaboration

BY Alex HudsonPublished Jul 16, 2012

Husband and wife Ryan Adams and Mandy Moore's careers have followed very different trajectories, as the former is a buzzed-about alt-country songwriter while the latter started out as a teen pop singer and actress. Soon, however, their musical paths will converge as Adams will likely be helping Moore out with her new album.

While the exact nature of the collaboration is still up in the air, the couple have apparently been writing together in preparation for the follow-up to Moore's 2009 album Amanda Leigh. She told CBS News, "I'm probably going to work with my husband on this album. I'm not sure necessarily in what capacity, but we've been writing a little bit together. He has a studio, so I definitely want to make my record there."

Moore's recent work has taken her away from her glossy pop origins towards a more folksy sound. It's possible that Adams's influence will continue to push her in this direction. "He certainly inspires me," she said. "There's tremendous influence right now around the house -- from the music I've been introduced to, and being very happy and in a healthy, happy relationship. I think that still garners a lot of material to write about."

The album will most likely be out by late 2012 or early 2013.

Moore and Adams married in March of 2009, just a couple of months before Amanda Leigh came out. Moore has previously sung with Adams, as she contributed harmonies to his 2011 tour single "Empty Room."

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