Rich Aucoin

"Brian Wilson is A.L.i.V.E." (video)

BY Alex HudsonPublished Sep 19, 2012

Rich Aucoin has unveiled the latest mind-boggling video from his album We're All Dying to Live. It's for "Brian Wilson is A.L.i.V.E.," and it's a tribute to none other than Beach Boys legend Brian Wilson.

The clip is an biographical reenactment of Wilson's life and career on an elaborate soundstage. Aucoin moves from set to set while posing for recreated album covers, performing with his band and eventually crumbling under the pressures of fame. Naturally, Aucoin ends up laying in bed while wearing a fat suit before eventually returning to live performance.

Aucoin said in a statement, "The idea for this video was to do a re-telling of Brian Wilson's extraordinary life so far and homage as many milestones as we could in the 4mins of the song's duration." Mission accomplished.

Aucoin is in the midst of an Exclaim!-sponsored tour. His upcoming Canadian dates are below, and go to his official website to see his full international schedule.

Tour dates:

9/19 Edmonton, AB - New Wunderbar Hofbrauhaus
9/20 Toronto, ON - Lee's Palace
9/21 Ottawa, ON - Ritual Nightclub
9/22 Montreal, QC - Divan Orange
9/29 London, ON - Call the Office *

* with Two Hours Traffic, Great Bloomers

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