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Patrick Perez

Synths & Memories

BY Chad BarnesPublished Feb 10, 2015

Patrick Perez's self-released Synths & Memories EP delivers a collection of six solid tracks. The compositions are unified by frosty, crisp-sounding elements, and often feature fractured or disjointed loops that serve as rhythmic underpinnings. The track that best exemplifies this EP's strengths is the immersive "photoshoooot," due to its thumping, skittering beats and heavenly string loop.

At its strongest, Synths & Memories is reminiscent of elements of Flying Lotus' Los Angeles EPs. However, its shortcomings cannot be overlooked: Synths can occasionally become a monotonous affair, with tracks like "lost kindness" that drone on and seem to lack intention and direction. The strengths of this EP easily outweigh the shortcomings and reveal, more than anything, tremendous potential and the promise of better things to come from Patrick Perez.

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