Minor Times

Summer of Wolves

BY Greg PrattPublished Jun 20, 2007

With the same destructive and creative desires that bands like Deadguy and Kiss it Goodbye brought to the hardcore scene, the Minor Times have released one vicious album in Summer of Wolves. After their debut full-length, Making Enemies, the band jumped ship from cool indie Level Plane to cool bigger indie Prosthetic, a more suitable home for their ultra-heavy sound. So, let’s see if the metalheads that Prosthetic cater to give this band a shot — with those ultra-violent screamed vocals and broken-glass guitar and percussion attack there’s no reason they shouldn’t. The plodding crush of "+ + +” is a great way to start the album, with just enough disjointed rhythms and multi-layered screams to warn the listener of what lies ahead. And apart from the strange jazz/indie break in "This Is the Blues,” things don’t let up for 40 minutes. While this could be considered torture by some, for those who relish chaos, it’s sweet misery. (Prosthetic)

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