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Kabuto the Python

The Almighty

BY Thomas QuinlanPublished Aug 9, 2013

A nerdcore rapper in a Guy Fawkes mask, Kabuto the Python built his reputation with a series of battle raps and disses directed at other nerdcore artists. The result is a deep discography and a smallish, but rather rabid fan base. On The Almighty, Kabuto continues to express the anger and vitriol he's known for: "World's Worst Nerdcore Rapper" disses all the things nerds love that Kabuto doesn't, while "Get Thee Hence" calls out many other things he hates. His battle raps are intelligent, witty and never sugar-coated, as expected, but it's his concept songs that make this effort his best yet, along with an improvement in recording quality and flows (he even experiments with a few new ones). The highlight is "Yo, Science," on which Kabuto explains the scientific reasoning for some ideas that are often clouded by ignorance, such as evolution, global warming and a bunch of lesser issues ("If a shark attacks you, punch it in the gills and not the nose…"), and the hook is extremely catchy. "Verdauga Greeneyes" is a rap retelling of children's book series Redwall, "Ralph Bakshi" is an ode to breasts and "The Guest List" is a massive posse cut masquerading as a nerdcore party, featuring a who's who of nerdcore rappers. The beats are also some of his best, with Beat Czar Kasparov and Variant providing banging production that pulls influences from rock ("Kabuto Kabuto" and "Kicked Ones, Pt. 2"), reggae ("Verdauga Greeneyes") and classical ("A Trialogue"), even getting experimental on "Mister Nice Guy" and "Kabutojira." The Almighty is not only Kabuto the Python's best album, it's available for free from Scrub Club, or you can purchase the deluxe edition from Kabuto's Bandcamp.
(Scrub Club)

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