is the long-awaited debut album from the French duo of Xavier de Rosnay and Gaspar Auge, who form Justice. Ever since Vice picked up the Waters of Nazereth EP for North American release in 2006, this Ed-Banger centrepiece has garnered some of the frothiest and uncontrollable hype since the mid-90s mainstream crossover of Daft Punk and the Chemical Brothers. In part, this is because Justice capture much of the same unbridled energy that was so abundant on Homework and Dig Your Own Hole. upgrades the recent electro house of the Get Physical label with the kind of brutal, chunked-up micro-sampling practiced by Jackson or My Way-era Akufen. Unforgettable tracks like "D.A.N.C.E. tip the hat to Larry Levan as much as they do Alan Braxe and Motorbass. Meanwhile, "Stress dabbles in the kind of strict filter techno that wouldnt be out of place on Kompakts Speicher series. Justice are as much a club music history lesson as they are harbingers of a "new sound, which will undoubtedly be mimicked for years to come by less attentive producers. This is sure to be one of this years highlights.
BY Dimitri NasrallahPublished Jun 21, 2007