Back in 2005, late country great June Carter Cash was portrayed by Reese Witherspoon in Walk the Line, a biopic about her husband, Johnny Cash. Now, June Carter is set to receive a biopic of her own, and singer Jewel has signed on to play the lead role.
The film evidently won't be quite as high profile as Walk the Line; it's being made by Lifetime, meaning that it will mostly likely premiere on TV rather than in cinemas. The network's Executive Vice President of Programming Rob Sharenow told Us Weekly, "Many people know about the legendary love story of Johnny and June. But June Carter Cash has her own epic journey filled with triumphs, tragedies, loves and losses. We're thrilled Jewel will be playing the title role." CBC Radio 3 notes that the part of Johnny Cash will be played by Matt Ross.
Jewel has dabbled in acting before, previously appearing in the 1999 Ang Lee flick Ride with the Devil. It all goes well, this biopic could be her most high-profile acting gig yet. She's got some big shoes to fill, however -- Witherspoon's portrayal of Carter Cash netted the Hollywood star an Oscar.
Here's the funny part: Jewel briefly appeared in Walk Hard, a 2007 comedy that spoofed Walk the Line.
The new film will be based on the book Anchored in Love: An Intimate Portrait of June Carter Cash, written by Carter Cash's son John and published in 2007.
The film evidently won't be quite as high profile as Walk the Line; it's being made by Lifetime, meaning that it will mostly likely premiere on TV rather than in cinemas. The network's Executive Vice President of Programming Rob Sharenow told Us Weekly, "Many people know about the legendary love story of Johnny and June. But June Carter Cash has her own epic journey filled with triumphs, tragedies, loves and losses. We're thrilled Jewel will be playing the title role." CBC Radio 3 notes that the part of Johnny Cash will be played by Matt Ross.
Jewel has dabbled in acting before, previously appearing in the 1999 Ang Lee flick Ride with the Devil. It all goes well, this biopic could be her most high-profile acting gig yet. She's got some big shoes to fill, however -- Witherspoon's portrayal of Carter Cash netted the Hollywood star an Oscar.
Here's the funny part: Jewel briefly appeared in Walk Hard, a 2007 comedy that spoofed Walk the Line.
The new film will be based on the book Anchored in Love: An Intimate Portrait of June Carter Cash, written by Carter Cash's son John and published in 2007.