Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Michael Bay's bright green, CGI middle finger aimed at your childhood, is set to hit theatres next month. Of course, it wouldn't be a modern cinematic abomination without a carefully constructed EDM-meets-rap theme song, which we now get via "Shell Shocked."
The track features some brash, by-the-numbers production from Kill the Noise and Madsonik and a hook from someone named Moxie Raia. On top of the beat, Wiz Khalifa, Ty Dolla $ign and Juicy J share some uninspired lyrics about the colour green (which represents both the turtles and the mountains of money this wretched film will no doubt rake in), and other loose references to the Ninja Turtles. It's all built around the line, "Knock knock, you about to get shell shocked." You know, that classic saying from the Ninja Turtles....
Listen to "Shell Shocked" below. At least now, those creepy flared nostrils aren't the most upsetting thing about the new Ninja Turtles reboot.
The track features some brash, by-the-numbers production from Kill the Noise and Madsonik and a hook from someone named Moxie Raia. On top of the beat, Wiz Khalifa, Ty Dolla $ign and Juicy J share some uninspired lyrics about the colour green (which represents both the turtles and the mountains of money this wretched film will no doubt rake in), and other loose references to the Ninja Turtles. It's all built around the line, "Knock knock, you about to get shell shocked." You know, that classic saying from the Ninja Turtles....
Listen to "Shell Shocked" below. At least now, those creepy flared nostrils aren't the most upsetting thing about the new Ninja Turtles reboot.