Just because it wasnt exactly New Years didnt stop the kids (and, in a lot of cases, adults) from partying as if it were. Downstairs at the Hells Kitchen, Autumnstorm, a five-piece epic prog/speed metal band, crammed onto the tiny stage along with all their gear. Front-man Joey Giles demanded the crowd "raise their swords to the sky, while the guitarist gave more arpeggios than a human face could possibly handle without melting. The Foxy Wolves were fairly relaxed but were also able to pick up the pace to some straight up rocknroll. They played well, also cramped onto the tiny stage. Being the battle of the bands winners must've boosted their fame a bit because the room was really only filling up once they hit the stage. After their set everyone seemed to realise the real bash was upstairs, and they all moved up to the Marquee for Torontos Golden Dogs. Immediately the energy level rose way as the Dogs belted out some tunes best left described as pop rock. Lead singer/guitarist Dave Azzolini played well with obvious sobriety and the front half of the audience had the pleasure of reading whatever was on the signs of Jessica Grassias keyboard. After standing for what seemed like forever, Joel Plaskett hit the stage and the crowd went crazy for a solid set that included almost all of his hits along with new material. One great highlight of the show that not even drunk, obviously of-age frat girls could ruin was Joel calling his father out to play a couple song acoustically with him. It was a touching moment for everyone, but then it was time to start rocking again. After leaving the stage gracefully, he and the band were cheered back on by the loving fans, and played a few more songs as an encore where Joel showed just what a great entertainer he really is.
The Joel Plaskett Emergency / The Golden Dogs / The Foxy Wolves / Autumnstorm
Halifax Marquee Club, Halifax NS
BY Simon OuthitPublished Feb 16, 2007