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With the Lost Souls on Our Side

BY Trystan MacDonaldPublished Jun 27, 2014

For over a decade, Illdisposed have been a leading band in Denmark's metal scene. Their 13th album, With the Lost Souls on Our Side, is a record reflecting that very consistency, and therein lies the problem. While the band have been consistent with their musical endeavours — a valued trait among fans and the metal community — after 13 albums it becomes hard to acknowledge the newest effort as something spectacular, or noteworthy, as it sounds so similar to previous releases.

Diehard fans of Illdisposed will no doubt enjoy the newest record, as it stays true to the band's formula. However, with the various mutations that have undergone the death metal genre as a whole, Illdisposed are left sounding a little obsolete among their contemporaries and newer acts in the genre. There are some select songs towards the end of the album, particularly "A Dreaded Pursuer" and "The Plan," that are downright savage due to the inclusion of some groove-inspired riffs. Unfortunately, these two tracks alone aren't enough to generate any sense of affection for the album as a whole.

Ultimately, With the Lost Souls on Our Side lacks notable tracks that would be considered exceptional, resulting in an album that sounds mediocre in comparison to the band's deep catalogue.

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