Idris Elba is set to return to his beloved John Luther character next month when the BBC unveils the fourth series of crime drama Luther. The UK actor will also be releasing an album's worth of songs celebrating the fictional figure called Murdah Loves John, and he's gone ahead and dropped the title track from the collection.
Threading together shadow-boxin' lyrics from UK grime rapper Wretch 32, smooth vocal runs from Tanika Bailey, and a modern pop melange of echoey tones and sophisticated strings, the track is a tribute to the detective and his wild life.
Annie Mac premiered the grandiose track and described it as "widescreen." Elba called it a Bond-esque theme song, while adding that the eight-track set also features guest artists like Shakka. The album's ETA is still to be determined, but the first episode of Luther's fourth series premieres on BBC One on December 15.
You can hear "Murdah Loves John" and the interview down below. The song starts at the 4:30 mark.
Threading together shadow-boxin' lyrics from UK grime rapper Wretch 32, smooth vocal runs from Tanika Bailey, and a modern pop melange of echoey tones and sophisticated strings, the track is a tribute to the detective and his wild life.
Annie Mac premiered the grandiose track and described it as "widescreen." Elba called it a Bond-esque theme song, while adding that the eight-track set also features guest artists like Shakka. The album's ETA is still to be determined, but the first episode of Luther's fourth series premieres on BBC One on December 15.
You can hear "Murdah Loves John" and the interview down below. The song starts at the 4:30 mark.