Holy Fuck Score New Anti-Trump Short Film

BY Calum SlingerlandPublished Feb 2, 2018

A number of artists across all genres have used the ongoing political shitstorm south of the border as a driving inspirational force behind their art. Now, Holy Fuck have provided the soundtrack to a new anti-Trump satire from director duo Ft. Langley.

The Canadian electro outfit's track "House of Glass" soundtracks the four-minute spoof, which you can find in the player below.

"Our favourite part of the resulting short film is the end: a Tarkovsky-esque highway drive, a peaceful, almost meditative reminder that there will be calm after the final burst of hot air," they said in a statement.

Ft. Langley's Oliver Brooks expanded on the collaboration with the band as follows:

An elaborate Trump satire? From the beginning this project was an outlandish, long shot, hot potato. Everyone loved it and nobody thought it was really going to happen. Then the kernel of the concept came to Will in early 2017. We didn't know what to do with it. It was absurd. We had no projects scheduled. No funding. Will thought Holy Fuck might be interested. We didn't know them, we had no mutual contacts, they were between album cycles, and already had music videos for all their singles. We cold-emailed them the concept. They said yes: but we 'd need to find funding. So we submitted a grant application. The grant people said yes, too. All of this took months. By the time we realized the film was really going to happen we'd booked ourselves up with other projects.  We finished the film in December: just in time for the anniversary of Trump's first year in office. That was an intentional choice, unrelated to blowing past the original grant deadline and two extensions. As for the film — we'll let it speak for itself.

You can watch the resulting film for yourself below.

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