Even though they've been a band for over two decades, Mortal Repulsion is Goreaphobia's debut full-length release. In their defence, the band members have been busy with other projects; the core of Goreaphobia is made up of vocalist/bassist Chris Gamble (Blood Storm, Absu) and guitarist Alex Bouks (Incantation, Master). Mortal Repulsion features the workmanship of Incantation's Jim Roe and John McEntee, finally completing the band, which are known as pioneers due to the fact that they were one of the first extreme metal bands to emerge out of Philadelphia, PA in the late '80s. Goreaphobia's mix of black, death and thrash metal is clearly displayed on this album, which is full of old school groove and traditional Bathory-meets-Death-meets-Destruction straight-up metal riffage and diabolical, horror-inspired vocals. With a sound that reeks of raw, extreme brutality in its purest form, Goreaphobia shouldn't be forgotten again any time soon.
(Ibex Moon Records)Goreaphobia
Mortal Repulsion
BY Denise FalzonPublished Sep 14, 2009