Filmmaker Robert Zemeckis Courting Surviving Beatles for <i>Yellow Submarine</i> Remake

BY Jason SchreursPublished Nov 9, 2009

Imagine a 3-D animated version of the Beatles' Yellow Submarine in the style of Beowulf and the Polar Express. Well, as previously reported, that very thing is scheduled to be up on the silver screens come the summer of 2012, courtesy of big-time Hollywood director Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) and animated monolith Disney. The only big unknown right now is whether the two remaining Beatles, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, will participate in the project.

According to the MTV Movie Blog, Zemeckis has approached the two Beatles about appearing in the animated film but has yet to receive a response.

"We haven't gotten the word yet on the two surviving Beatles, whether they're interested in doing it or not," Zemeckis said.

The director is hoping the two will voice their own characters and perhaps make a live action appearance similar to the sequence at the end of the original 1968 animated film.

Zemeckis is planning to use the same technology for the Beatles film that he used on the Polar Express and this holiday season's A Christmas Carol, starring Jim Carrey.

"I think Yellow Submarine is a perfect example of a movie that can be re-envisioned in the digital cinema and be absolutely beyond spectacular," Zemeckis said.

The new Yellow Submarine is planned to be released in the summer of 2012 to coincide with the Summer Olympic games in London, England. There have also been some rumblings about a live musical version of the Zemeckis/Disney production after the film hits theatres.

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