

BY Denise FalzonPublished Jul 8, 2015

The thing about slam is that it can get stale quick, as it tends to follow a repetitive formula that becomes boring midway through a release; Boston's Dysentery defy the odds with their third full-length, Fragments. Following 2011's Internal Devastation, the new album is a half-hour of brutal, mid-paced beatdown death metal, mixed with some fast and harsh deathgrind for good measure. Fragments comprises 13 pummelling tracks featuring intricate guitar work and jaw-dropping slams that are dispersed throughout the release to keep things fresh and interesting.
"Led to Terminal Ignorance" and "Invocation of Parallel Bloodlet" feature especially crushing drum work and groove-filled riffs, while the breakneck "Immersed Into Misanthropic Turmoil" includes unpredictable tones. With ultra-vicious gutturals by Scott Savaria, intelligently composed breakdowns and excellent, clean production, Fragments showcases how much Dysentery have progressed over the years. The band are more focused; they have honed their sound and created what is arguably their best release to date. Even if slam isn't your death metal subgenre of choice, Fragments is definitely worth a try.

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