
"Savage Night at the Opera" (video)

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Aug 31, 2011

When the end of 2011 rolls around, it's a safe bet that Destroyer's Kaputt will make many a year-end best-of list. So we're guessing more than a few of you out there will be pleased that Dan Bejar and co. have offered up a new vid for the album track "Savage Night at the Opera."

Directed by David Galloway, the clip will especially appeal to Vancouver residents, as a car races through West Coast city streets, capturing it all with some first-person camera work. So if you've always wanted to visit Vancity but never have, here's at least a sneak peak of what you're missing.

Kaputt is out now on Merge.

Destroyer - Savage Night at the Opera from Merge Records on Vimeo.

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