Deathspell Omega


BY Greg PrattPublished Jun 26, 2012

French extreme experimentalists Deathspell Omega start off this EP (which follows up 2010's worthy Paracletus) with "Salowe Vision," a tune that reminds listeners of the promise metalgaze once had. This sounds really odd coming from these guys, or not: everything they do is really odd, so maybe it just makes sense. They revisit that epic post-metal sound later on with "Sand," which, at 1:41, gets going just as it stops; it's the ultimate middle finger to the nine-minute-song set. But the gazing ends there ― much of the rest of this 21-minute disc is raging, chaotic, dissonant and nihilistic black metal. Songs like "Abrasive Swirling Murk" are full of great drum work (love the fast-footed hi-hat action) and jagged riffing, with tons of blast beats leading the way. "The Crackled Book of Life" ends the album on a classy note, again bringing to mind some of the more bookish, thoughtful bands out there today. This group do EPs well, and this one is very cool indeed.
(Season of Mist)

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