Damon Albarn "Completely Severed" His Finger in a Pesto-Related Accident

The musician lost a battle with a blender full of basil

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Nov 11, 2021

Forget "Kids with Guns": last Christmas Eve, Damon AlbarnBlur frontman, Gorillaz co-founder and pesto enthusiast — discovered household kitchen appliances are where the real threat lies.

If you thought your Christmas 2020 wasn't the greatest, it probably wasn't as bad as Albarn's. In a new interview with Zane Lowe on Apple Music 1, the musician revealed that he spent Christmas Eve in the emergency room after completely hacking off his finger with a blender.

"I actually cut my finger off last Christmas Eve," Albarn told the renowned radio host. "I was making a pesto; I had a hand blender and I'd just made it. I thought, 'Hmm, that looks good.'"

Okay, fair — who doesn't love to admire their culinary artistry? Doing a little taste test is a necessary step in prepping any great sauce, but this is where things took a turn for the artist.

"Instead of just tasting a bit from the bowl, I decided to stick my finger into the blender, pick it up and press the button," Albarn continued. "Then I had to pull [my finger] out and it completely severed."

He added: "So I went to Paddington A&E and they said, 'There's nothing we can do for you. We'll clean it up, but it's going to be at least 10 days.'"

This is a nightmare scenario for anyone, let alone a person who plays music for a living. Thankfully for Albarn and his beloved piano, he was able to get his finger sewn back on sooner than the initial estimate he was given.

"I said, 'I'm a pianist. I need my finger back.' Anyway, a fantastic surgeon was found on Christmas Day and on Boxing Day, I got it sewed back on," he concluded. What a Christmas miracle!

Still, it's also a cautionary tale for basil-lovers and blender-users everywhere: don't go sticking your fingers where you shouldn't be.

It's a surefire way to ruin the holidays.

You can watch the full interview below with an Apple Music subscription, or whenever some local hero inevitably uploads it to YouTube.

Albarn's new solo album The Nearer the Fountain, More Pure the Stream Flows is out tomorrow (November 12) via new label home Transgressive Records. Gorillaz recently announced an upcoming box set for the 20th anniversary of their debut album, following the release of their surprise three-track EP Meanwhile back in August.


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