Crystal Castles' music might meld dance pop with punk rock, but singer Alice Glass's image of jet-black mop top and crudely smeared mascara gives her a bit of a goth edge. On a purely superficial level, an upcoming single featuring a collaboration with the Cure's stringy-haired, pancake makeup enthusiast Robert Smith makes total sense. And, well, musically there might be a connection too.
A revamped version of "Not in Love," off the Toronto duo's second self-titled album, will feature a no doubt mopey vocal turn from the Cure frontman. The "Not in Love" single, which will be released by Fiction on December 6 in the UK, also finds Crystal Castles stashing their synths temporarily for acoustic renditions of "Celestica" and "Suffocation." Anyway you look at it, the mini-collection sounds like a mind-bender.
UPDATE: The "Not in Love" single is due out in Canada via Last Gang Records on December 7.
A revamped version of "Not in Love," off the Toronto duo's second self-titled album, will feature a no doubt mopey vocal turn from the Cure frontman. The "Not in Love" single, which will be released by Fiction on December 6 in the UK, also finds Crystal Castles stashing their synths temporarily for acoustic renditions of "Celestica" and "Suffocation." Anyway you look at it, the mini-collection sounds like a mind-bender.
UPDATE: The "Not in Love" single is due out in Canada via Last Gang Records on December 7.