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Constantines Plotting Secret Toronto Show with Ladyhawk?

BY Josiah HughesPublished Dec 16, 2009

Now that Ryan Johnson has got a full-length out of his system with his band Sports, he can return to his day job in Ladyhawk. As he told us, the band are hard at work planning their third full-length, and now they've revealed on their blog that they'll join Constantines for one of their tenth anniversary shows in Toronto tomorrow (December 17).

The blog post says the following:

if you live in the toronto area, we will be out there playing a couple shows with canada's finest the constantines to celebrate their 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! can you believe that shit? 10 years and they're still talking to each other... and ROCKING with each other! anyway, those guys are some good shits. so, we'll be playing a 'secret' show somewhere within the city limits of toronto on thursday night (the 17th) i have no idea where.

It's more than likely that the show will take place at the Garrison, where Lullabye Arkestra and Tropics are already set to play. On the Garrison's website, the show listing mentions "special guests." Similarly, Lullabye Arkestra's blog lists "2 secret headliners" for the show.

Besides the secret show, Ladyhawk will join Constantines and Julie Doiron for two Ontario shows that are public knowledge. The string of Ladyhawk dates are below. For all of Constantines' remaining tenth anniversary shows, go here.

Ladyhawk and Constantines tour dates:

12/17 Toronto, ON -€“ Secret show ^

12/18 London, ON - Call the Office *
12/19 Toronto, ON -€“ Lee's Palace *

^ possibly at the Garrison with Lullabye Arkestra and Tropics
* with Julie Doiron

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