Class War Kids

Reflection! Rage! Rebellion!

BY Brad SchmalePublished Sep 8, 2009

The Class War Kids go straight for the throat with their sophomore release, as each abrasive song rips into the next. Taking notes from Rancid, A Global Threat and Moral Crux, these Newfoundlanders play an energetic and conscious brand of street punk that drips as much passion and anger as defiance. The group prove their relevance by blasting out protest anthems like "The Vegan Avenger Ascends into Legend," "Policeman" and the fist raising "Disinformation Age," all of which are prime examples of the group's politically motivated lyrics and infectiously gritty songwriting. The Class War Kids aren't shy to point their finger, whichever one it may be, in the direction of greed, injustice and misogyny, revealing that the true problems in our system are often caused by those that run it. Reflection! Rage! Rebellion! is 14 tracks of devoted insubordination that carries its heart on one sleeve and conceals a Molotov cocktail in the other.
(Rebel Time)

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