Cinzia & the Eclipse Face Their Own Flaws on 'Little Italy'

BY Sarah Jessica Rintjema Published Oct 26, 2020

Cinzia & the Eclipse delivers an emotionally mature debut, reflecting on her experiences while living in Montreal's Little Italy. Produced by Montreal's Lucatheproducer, Little Italy explores a doomed relationship — one that Cinzia had her own hand in destroying.

Little Italy tells a linear story; the four-track EP opens with "Under Control" — a spacey, sad, piano-based ballad, where Cinzia's Florence + The Machine influence shines bright. The opener describes an emotional push-and-pull with a love interest, where she denies her own feelings and pushes her potential lover away.

"Can't Let You Love Me" follows Cinzia's fear of vulnerability as she refuses to open up to her love interest. Always a talented vocalist, the track falters not for lack of technique, but originality, since the beat and echoing background vocals leave you wishing Cinzia took more of a risk.

Title track "Little Italy" is the strongest track on the EP; the song is both an apology and confession, where Cinzia admits to ruining relationships with the people she loved out of fear of intimacy. The footsteps, grain and mumbles of a crowd seemingly plucked from past memories turn "Little Italy' into a nostalgic track, transporting you to a time you wish you could rewind.

"RUNAWAY" wraps up the EP with a triumphant declaration of self-acceptance. Mistakes have been made, relationships have changed for the worse, but Cinzia is done with sitting in self-pity. She's ready to move forward and leave her past behind. The brightest of the four tracks, Cinzia has released the weight holding her down. Her unbeaten vocals surround clapping hands, a plucky guitar and an atmospheric beat that will have you itching to take to the road.

Cinzia faces her own flaws — the personal failings that many of us have trouble admitting. Judging by the lyrics here, she's made bad choices that hurt the people she loves. By the end of Little Italy, she admits her wrongdoings and apologizes to the people she hurt, in order to find the space to heal and grow into a stronger, more well-rounded person. Little Italy is a vulnerable and honest debut that sets the artist on the path to a promising catalogue.

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