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The Chariot

Wars and Rumours of Wars

BY Dave SynyardPublished Apr 27, 2009

Anyone who knows that vocalist Josh Scogin was a part of Norma Jean before leaving and forming the Chariot won't be surprised by Wars and Rumours of Wars, but those who don't may be a little surprised. The audio similarity between the two bands is more than obvious upon first listen but after spending a bit of time with this album it's clear which band are staying on course. Wars is an album that isn't just typical metalcore; it's noisy, raucous and abrasive. From start to finish this album is a menacing behemoth of feedback and high-end squeaks and squeals that feel like the oncoming apocalypse. At times, Wars becomes too repetitive — a few never-ending breakdowns of static and bass will do that — but this is a welcome concept, as opposed to the Too Pure To Die breakdowns that are regurgitated the world over. The Chariot have once again proven themselves to be a band that aren't trying to change music; they're happy just perfecting their sound. Wars and Rumours of Wars is like the bastard child of Botch and Coalesce after a few too many shots of Jägermeister, with tequila chasers.
(Solid State)

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