Can Can

All Hell

BY Ty TrumbullPublished Jan 28, 2009

Can Can play dirty garage punk, focusing on a minimalist approach to their songs. The stripped-down sound created by the drums/guitar/vocal approach lends itself to the rawness of the band's sound, but a creative use of pan on the mixing board and raucous drumming are used to give the record a more dynamic feel than the bare bones approach often allows. The vocals of Patrick A. hiss, bubble and swagger through the 11 tracks while Mary Frances Collins' back-up singing creates a spooky, ethereal atmosphere. Combine the driving music with spiritual (but not preachy) lyrical content and you've got a winner on your hands. Songs like "Widowmaker" demonstrate a combination of calculated rhythms and an intimate knowledge of past rock'n'roll greats that is pervasive throughout All Hell.

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