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Bone Sickness

Alone in the Grave

BY Mark WilsonPublished Apr 26, 2013

Hailing from Olympia, WA, Bone Sickness ply a relentlessly fast variety of death metal with elements of hardcore punk and grind. Bone Sickness are a band that definitely know how to play to their strengths, making Alone in the Grave a record of non-stop intensity and saw-like distortion. Although each track keeps an incredible pace and a rather high level of energy, the overarching structure of the songs never really changes throughout the entire record. The songs all follow a very similar structure, with little to no dynamic variation or any noticeable changes in the vocal performance, and eventually the fast and heavily distorted riffs slowly begin to weave together into something that sounds very repetitive and not very memorable. Despite the level of anger and intensity the band initially achieve at the beginning of the record with "Submit to Decay," the remainder of the Alone in the Grave is unfortunately tuned out all to easily.
(20 Buck Spin)

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