Beck Is Working on "Multiple Projects or Albums"

He's "just jumping between them"

Photo: Stephen McGill

BY Alex HudsonPublished Jan 7, 2025

It's been a while since Beck released a new album, as he followed 2019's Hyperspace with an updated 2020 version of the same album and hasn't released a full-length since then. That's not to suggest that he isn't busy, however, since he has revealed that he's currently working on "multiple projects or albums."

He said this in a conversation with visual artist Doug Aitken for Interview Magazine. When asked about how the creative process, Beck said, "I think the multiplicity has multiplied. I find myself now working on multiple projects or albums at the same time and I'm just jumping between them, sort of creative schizophrenia, but it does make sense."

He continued, "I used to be a little more single-minded. I would just dedicate myself to one thing completely and see it through. If it took a year or two years but now it's just kind of, each idea is sort of spawning another idea. There'll be a really interesting thread of something. And I go, 'Wait, that's its own project.' That would be a footnote on this album, but if I take it and expand that idea out more, it might be a whole other world. So I was working on three things, and I think now I'm sort of moving into working on five or six. My only challenge is time to be able to execute it all properly. The ultimate commodity is time, and it's the ultimate luxury."

Beck is known for jumping between genres, so he's presumably working on music in a variety of styles. Within the past few years, he's taken a rootsy turn with a Neil Young cover and an Orville Peck duet, while he's gone in a more pop-leaning direction in collabs with Hinds, Phoenix and Gorillaz.

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