A split release from two of the undergrounds, and Savannah, GAs, brightest hopes, A Grey Sigh is a harbinger of the greatness to expect from both. Baroness may be the more recognisable name at the moment, what with their recent signing to Relapse and the artwork of guitarist/vocalist John Dyer Baizley gracing more and more releases (including this one), but Unpersons (despite their still terrible moniker) are not to be underestimated. Featuring only two songs (but clocking in at 18 and a half minutes), Baroness open their half of A Grey Sigh with their potent, oppressive combination of vintage Neurosis-like doom sludge, Kyuss-ian stoner digressions and Isis-like moments of clarity and density. However, while Baroness bring the heavy, Unpersons bring the gloriously weird, delivering four tracks of abrasive noise that recall the time when the Jesus Lizard were gods, but heavier, mixed with more aggression, dissimilar metallic elements and fuckery that somehow coalesce instead of repel. The word is already out on Baroness, but hesitate on Unpersons at your peril.
(At A Loss)Baroness / Unpersons
A Grey Sigh In A Flower Husk
BY Chris GramlichPublished Jun 25, 2007